
Lewis Ganson - The Dai Vernon Book of Magic PDF

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Lewis Ganson - The Dai Vernon Book of Magic


The most fabulous book of magical secrets ever published! Dai Vernon spent a lifetime p­erfecting and simplifying his magic so that even a beginner can perform his tricks. Yet, the m­­agic is of such a quality that its performance can put you into the highest class! With this book on your shelf, you have, at your beck and call, the equivalent of a series of personal lessons from two great men of magic: Dai Vernon, a magical genius who became a legend in his own lifetime and Lewis Ganson, the writer who makes it all so easy to understand. Contents inc­lude magic with cards, coins, ropes, silks, dice, balls, rings, even cigars! Magic for close-up , drawing room, cabaret and stage. Magic from the great masters like Max Malini, Nate Leipzig and Paul Rosini. Something for every taste! This new, enlarged edition contains 24 Chapters; 200 rescreened photographs; 240 pages. Hardbound in a size to match the Vernon Chronic­les serie


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